Closet full of clothes,but nothing to wear?

How is this possible? What are you doing wrong?

You want to scream when you think about all the money you’ve spent on these items still hanging with their tags because you have nothing suitable to wear them with!

But, actually, the truth is that you do have stuff to wear; just not the right stuff.

What’s in your closet right now may not fit – and I don’t just mean size-wise. Your clothing may also not fit your:

  • current interests;
  • lifestyle;
  • or goals.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why you might feel like you have nothing to wear even with a closet full of clothes.

#1 – Your Wardrobe Doesn’t Go with Your Lifestyle

Consider this scenario: you used to work in a formal environment but your workstation has become extremely informal now. Alternatively, you were a concert/party-goer before having children, but currently, your social life primarily consists of getting together for family-oriented events and informal dinners with other couples.

That’s why when you think back over the years, you feel sure that you have amassed a wonderful clothing collection. Yet, you can still easily find yourself with a wardrobe full of items you don’t want to wear. The clothes just don’t fit your lifestyle anymore, no matter how gorgeous they are.

#2 – Buying Too Many Things That Don’t Match Your Wardrobe

You’re constantly impulse-buying, unsure of what you already have and what you actually need. You own the same cashmere sweater in every color imaginable, including those that don’t match your skin undertone. Buying too many things that don’t match your wardrobe means you can’t put together coherent outfits.
Next time you find yourself about to pull out your credit card, think about whether you actually need the item and whether it goes with what you already have.

#3 – You Haven’t Updated Your Closet

Do you recall the dazzling dress you wore to prom? Are you still keeping it around just in case? f you haven’t used something in a year, it’s unlikely that you will do so again anytime soon. If you have a high-priced item that’s considered vintage yet you don’t get any use out of it, why not sell it and recoup some cash?
It’s time to create space for the essentials since this will make it easier to curate a capsule wardrobe, and as a result, you will be able to wear everything.

#4 – Color Matching Issues

If you love colors or have a flamboyant elegant style personality, you might have a closet full of colorful clothes. But then when it comes to putting an outfit together, you’re not sure what goes with what. Each piece alone looks good, but when you put them together you feel a bit like a clown at the circuis.

Does that mean that you now have to only wear neutrals? Absolutely not! You just need to refine your color matching skills. And I have two great beginner tips fo you. The first is to try color blocking – which is wearing items from the same hue together. The second is using a color wheel – and matching colors on opposite sides, since they compliment each other.

#5 – Clothes That Don’t Fit

You may have gained or lost a few kilos, but the clothes you own don’t change size. It’s quite common error I see women make over and over again: purchasing an item in the incorrect size expecting to be able to fit into it in the near future or because it’s on sale, so you compromise on fit and comfort.

I highly recommend you find and get to know a seamstress or tailor nearby. Sometimes it’s not a sizing issue, it’s a tailoring issue. Maybe those classic wide-leg trousers are a bit too long and need to be hemmed in slightly, yet they’re otherwise perfect.

#6 – The Wrong Accessories

A capsule wardrobe and an elegant style by no means equal being boring. Yet I hear many ladies worrying that that’s what they’ll end up with if they switch to that kind of style. But that may be due to an accessory issue rather than a clothing issue. A simple, classy outfit with the right shoes, bag, hat, sunglasses, gloves, or jewelry can go from dull to dazzling in a matter of seconds.

But, there is a catch. Sometimes accessories can downgrade your look. Overdoing it or doing it incorrectly with these items can give away that you’re still a newbie with this whole leveling-up thing. And please don’t take this to mean you should be ashamed of being a newbie! Not at all. I have a soft spot for ladies at the start of their journeys, they’re why I do what I do. But if you want to blend in a little more with the elite, layering your accessories has to be done with taste.

Let's fix that.

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